
Monday, January 31, 2011

Taming of the Shrew

Just a quick post: I haven't started reading the play yet, but I did check out the Wikipedia page and look at the critical history. I'm worried about the misogyny in the play, because nothing cheeses me off like chauvinists, but I know that my roommate who loves the play (hi, Sarah!) wrote an essay last semester about how the play is actually not misogynistic at all, so I'll bug her until she lets me read it.

Beyond that, I'm not sure what I want to do with the play. I'll probably do more Thought posts because making lists of comments as I read is a good way to come up with questions and avoid dozing off. I may compare the play to 10 Things I Hate About You, because I've seen that movie several times and wouldn't mind seeing it again. I doubt I'll watch a more faithful adaptation unless someone else in the class really likes one.

I should also begin looking into academic criticism, because despite my disdain for academic conventions, there's a wealth of information to be found there. Perhaps I'll spend some time perusing the Shakespeare subject guide on the library website. I also need to look through my class notes again and see what suggestions of Dr. Burton's that I haven't looked into yet.

So much time and so little to blog! Wait, strike that, reverse it.