
Thursday, January 13, 2011


Okay. So I have to figure out this whole self-directed learning thing. Here's what I have so far for how I plan to fulfill the class goals.

I've already got a decent handle on the tragedies, so I want to focus more on the comedies and histories. For the comedies, I want to read Taming of the Shrew, The Tempest, Twelfth Night, and Pericles.

I still haven't figured out which histories I want to read because I don't know anything about them--I'd appreciate some guidance. Maybe Richard II and both Henry IVs? That would make sense for getting the beginnings of the full story, but I don't know which plays are the kindest to beginning readers.

Perhaps I'll also throw in some more of the sonnets. Sonnets are fun.

Ideally, I want to watch at least one production, either stage or screen, for each play that I read. Where possible, I'd also like to watch a modern adaptation: for Taming of the Shrew, 10 Things I Hate About You; for Twelfth Night, She's the Man, etc. I think it would be interesting to look at which elements of Shakespeare's plays easily translate into the modern world, which seem forced, and which need to be discarded in a modern retelling.

It would be nifty to get together with a group of fellow classmates and read a play out loud together. Would anyone like to join such an endeavor?

I might also write an imitation sonnet or soliloquy. I've written sonnets before, but never blank verse soliloquys. Or maybe I could make something cool in InDesign and post it here. Possibilities are endless!

Obviously, I will be posting things here. For as long as possible, I want to stay away from scholarly research. I had to do four research papers last semester and I wrote about 35 essays total, and two weeks of Christmas vacation was not enough to get me over the burnout. Frankly I'm not excited to write anything about literature ever again, but since I'm about to graduate with an English degree, it's a bit late to start stewing over my educational choices.

So! My goal in writing this blog is to HAVE LOTS OF FUN. I will be posting stuff about Doctor Who. I'll make lots of commentaries about the stuff I think is awesome. Hopefully I will write at least one of my famous-among-my-roommates BREATHLESS PARODY ABRIDGMENTS. Above all, I will strive not to bore myself or my audience.

Sound peachy?